I am so excited to be part of the FREEBIE trail!
I hope you have found some great activities to add to your toolbox!
I would like to share a fun game called
The Bunny Trail

This game can be used to reinforce so many different skills. I use it to reinforce fluency with letters, sounds, and sight words.
I hope you have found some great activities to add to your toolbox!
I would like to share a fun game called
The Bunny Trail

This game can be used to reinforce so many different skills. I use it to reinforce fluency with letters, sounds, and sight words.
To play, write whatever needs to be reinforced on the included flash cards and also in the empty boxes on The Bunny Trail game board. Mix up the cards and have the child read through each card until they get to the first target on the trail. You then continue the same routine until the bunny gets to the end of the trail!
Now, click on the egg below to zip on down to our next stop and see
Learn With Me in Grade Three
Learn With Me in Grade Three
And if you are just starting with us, click on the egg below to head to beginning of the trail!