
Word Ladders-Blending CVC Words

This past spring I had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Dr. Timothy Rasinski at the New York State Reading Association Conference.  In addition to being one of the top researchers in reading fluency, he told us all that one of his "gifts" is having the ability to create word ladders.  If you provided him with two words, he said he would be able to create a word ladder within 48 hours!

I do have some of his Word Ladder books which my older students enjoy, but I wanted to create something for my kindergarten students to practice blending sounds as they change the initial, medial, and final letters.

Here is a sample of what I came up with:
The students start with the word on the bottom and then change the letters as they climb up the ladder.

I just posted this Word Ladder, along with two others in my TPT store

What do you think?