
Turkey Letter Finds and Mix-Ups

Gobble, Gobble!
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I created a set of turkey Letter Find and Letter Mix-Up activities to help our littlest learners match and identify their upper and lower case letters.  The download includes turkeys with either upper or lower case letters listed in alphabetical order on the Letter Find Pages and also with the letters mixed-up on the Letter Mix-Up pages.
These are just like my Fall Letter Finds and Mix-Ups!

Because my students know just a few letters, I have yet to use the Letter Mix-Up pages with them.  Instead, we have been using the Letter Find pages as an alphabet chart to learn how to sing/recite the alphabet, pausing at the end of each row.  This is helping them match the letter name to the letter along with developing one-to-one correspondence.  When finding certain letters I name, if they do not know it, they are learning to start at the beginning and recite the alphabet until they find it.  This is a strategy they can use in small-group with me and also in their classroom when they look at the alphabet displayed.